Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Dogs, Bad Trainer

Today we all went for an extra long walk, which makes for good training afterwards.

Preacher, as always, is the prodigy dog. He just wants to please, please, please, and then get his cheese for it.

And then there's Sonya.

Miss Attitude.

Smug Mug.

Diva Princess.

Miss Speak To The Hand 'Cause I Don't Wanna Understand.

Those were all her "titles" until I saw myself in this video.

I'm sorry, Sonya. I take it all back. Yours Truly has been a very bad girl.

Bad Netty! Bad trainer!

Friday, June 25, 2010

More Fries, Please

Me and Preacher sitting on a bench
Eating M-C Donalds meal,
I like burger
Preach likes fries
We love burgers Mickie style!

Mama, I like fries. Can I have some?

You mean these fries? They're delish!

Yes, please. CHOMP!

More, please...

Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum...

Preacher, I need my fingers back please.

Would you like more, Preachie?

Oh Mama, you do love me, don't you.


For me? Oh Mama, I love you so!

Fingers, Preachie, watch the fingers.

Aw, just one? But don't you love me?

Fine, you can have the rest of it.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh fries!

Mama, can we have lunch dates everyday?

No Preachie. My love handles can only handle so much.

But Mama, love me?

Stop looking at me like that, and go lie down.

But M-

I said go!


But after one last bite.