Monday, November 5, 2012

Hello Kitty

Kitty used to be an indoor cat. Correction: she used to be the biggest indoor cat any Guamanian had ever seen. "Is that a dog?!" they'd exclaim when they saw her slinking under the cover of the piano.

Well, just recently, Kitty joined the ranks of outdoor cats. Her caretaker had taken a trip off-island, but this time was not able to come home at the appointed time, and the trauma of this delay forced her to step outside.

The outdoors hasn't changed her personality. She's still aloof, independent, and picky about which humans to pet her.

Here is how our meeting went when I visited...

Hello Kitty! How are you?

Fine thanks. Lost a few ounces 'cause now I have more work cut out for me, being an outside cat and all. I have to catch mice and snakes now. 

And who are you?

It's me, Auntie Netty. I've come from America, where you momma now lives.

Ah hah. When you go back to America, would you please give my mom a message from me?

Of course! What would you like me to say to her?

Tell my mama not to worry about me. I've lost a few centimeters off my waist, but that's okay because I think I rather look good this way. Also, that I continue to guard her house against cockroaches, mice, and snakes. I don't much care for the other cats who live outside with me, they're not as intellectually stimulating as humans are. We get along okay, but if we get into an argument, I have my sharp claws to use in my defense.

And as Tita M taught her manners, Kitty came up to me to "amen" the old Filipino traditional way.


Sunday, July 8, 2012


It's a perfect day. Gloriously sunny, light breeze at a very comfortable seventy degrees Fahrenheit. The kind of day that would go unjustly spent indoors. So Preacher, Sonya, and I are outside taking it all in one minute a a time, making sure sure even our feet get a fair dose of sunshine and fresh air.

Whoah! Those are some seriously neglected piggies. I'm talking about my toes, of course. So I decided to give myself a grooming. And since Preacher insisted on standing so close, I figured he wanted a pedi too.

Now that looks better!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Jaida shares her Mum-Mums with Preacher and Sonya.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Preacher is laying next to Jaida Bug for one reason only.

He's begging.

*Pleeeeease, can I have your shoe?*

*Fine. I beg you, pleeeeease let me BORROW your shoe?*

This is when Sonya, the mother hen, intervenes on Jaida Bug's behalf.

*Hotdog! If the baby says No, then the answer is NO!*


*Can I have the spoon instead?*



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Poopy Booty

Mayet sent a pair of pink fleece boots with Jaida Bug when she spent the weekend with me. But when Mayet unpacked Jaida's bag, she found only one boot. So she had to do with one brown boot and one pink boot. See her feet?

Well, I found the missing boot the next day. Preacher had it...

[Mouse over the image to see the missing boot. But don't say you didn't see the warning in red.]


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Dogs Drooling for an Apple

Yes, Preacher and Sonya love fruit.