*Netty, may I get a bone too?*
No, there's only one bone.
*Netty, may I pleeeease have a bone?*
Understand Preach, there is only one bone! As if he understood the logic I was dishing out.
*I'll sit. I'll do anything you say. Puh-leeeeeeeez, give me a bone!*
Do you think Preacher is capable of having human thoughts? I can just imagine what he's thinking...
*Up yours then! I don't want a stupid bone!*
Lo, the canine gives me the finger! Er, the toe.
Truth be told, Preach is too soft hearted to be so vulgar. That extended toe is medically referred to as a "slipped toe". The ligament (or ligaments) that pulls the toe tight must have torn during one of Preachie's scuffles with Sonya. It happens.
It won't affect his ability to walk, run, jump, you know things dogs do. It just looks very dramatic because Doberman Pinschers have naturally tight paws, like those of a cat's. Thank goodness his show career is no more, huh. No worries, Dr. Jessica says that a slipped toe is not going to hinder him from performing. In fact, Preacher doesn't even show any discomfort or pain.
So next time I don't give Preacher what he wants, I won't take it too personally when he says *Speak to the toe, 'cause I don't want to know!*
My Preachie would never give me the toe!
Would he?