It was another typical day in Cebu. It was too hot to do anything but sit and regurgitate every topic already discussed in the last two days, but this time addressed with new opinions.

Whitey: Papa Val you got any bananas to share today?
Papa Val: Go away, Whitey. I don't feel like touching a banana today.
But then, something new came along. It was soft, cuddly, friendly, insistent and persistent. If it didn't purr, I would have mistaken it for another dog. And of course I gave it - him - a name. Ming.

Ming: Hello. Purrrrr. Pet me. Purrrrr.

Ming: Pardon my rudeness, Papa B. Bless. Amen.
Whitey: Oy, sip-sip! (Brown noser!) These are my humans. Scat! Shoo!

But Ming stayed put.

He purred away, like he owned us.

He hissed at the pups, even swatted them away when they got too close and personal.
What was very doglike of Ming, was that he came running when I called him.

Unlike Blackie and Whitey, Ming came to the edge of pool to greet me.

Fearless, Ming was!

Even Mama Tiny couldn't resist saying hello.

And of course, the inevitable happened. I fell in love with Ming.
Word of advice to all you soft hearted pushovers like me: do NOT fall in love when you're on vacation. Because it will just break your heart when you have to leave your Ming-Ming behind.

Blackie: are you saying you're NOT in love with me?

Blackie: YOU break my heart. I'm just going to find a twig now, and chew on it.

Me: Aaaw, Blackie, I didn't mean it like that. You know I love you.
I'll prove it. It's against the rules of the house, but come upstairs with me. (Just this one time.)

It's the cutest thing to see a dog that's never been on stairs before.

It took a lot of coaxing to get him up and down.

Back downstairs, it was Whitey's turn to feel dejected.

Whitey: so, I heard you're not in love with me...

And of course, I had to repeat the whole "oh, but I do love you" shpiel.

And just like that, Blackie and Whitey were back to their antics of fighting over who I love more. Blackie or Whitey?
Banana, anyone?!

Did Netty just say banana?
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