Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I was greeted by an unfamiliar sight as I climbed the stairs to the house in Truk. It's body was the size of a twenty ounce bottle of water, it had the roundest, most striking hazel eyes, topped by the biggest bat ears you ever saw on that little body. It barked alarmingly at first, but one could barely be afraid of such a cute and tiny voice. "His name is Bingo," said Yaya.

Hello Bing-bing-bing-bingo. I love-love-love-love you already!

He couldn't be more than nine weeks old. He's curious, fearless, full of energy, and bites-bites-bites-bites with those needle sharp baby teeth. (That's why I gave him that coconut to gnaw on.)

And, most importantly, he still has that sweet-sweet-sweet-sweet puppy breath.

Aw, sweet, darling, naughty-naughty-naughty-naughty Bingo. How I wish I could take you with me!

Will you remember me next time I visit? I'll let you sleep in my laundry hamper all you want.
