It's summer in the Philippines, and the day time temperatures climb to 93F. Not even a dip in the pool could cool us off, so we hung out in the coolness of the bedroom during most of the day. It was the first of many firsts for Whitey during this visit.
First, she weasled her way onto the bed, standing over my laptop...
Any attempt to push her off the bed was in vain. She just sat there like a stubborn donkey...
Did I mention she was just like a stubborn donkey?
And the next thing I knew, for the first time in her two years, she laid in her humans' bed, nestling in as if that's where she had always belonged.
And for the first time, we discovered that Whitey, like Preacher and Sonya, loves dirty socks and underwear!
Yeah, as if... Socks and underwear, no less!